Monday, November 17, 2008

Our Little Trickster

Last week, Abster had a little trick up her sleeve...somehow, when our nanny Gaynell was cleaning up lunch in the kitchen, Abby quietly made her way up the flight of stairs to the 2nd floor, then toddled into our bedroom and up another flight of stairs to our loft! Jason heard a little voice say "hi" and turned around to find her at the top of the stairs but Gaynell was nowhere in sight!

When Jason brought her downstairs, Gaynell was horrified to find out what happened. Luckily no one got hurt and it was a good lesson learned and a reminder to check and double check the gates in our house, which are there for good reasons!

In other news, Abby is now saying her name ("Ab-by") and points to herself, which is so cute. She also knows the name of our friend's daughter, Maddy. Every day we hear a new word or name and it's just amazing to watch her development as she approaches 17 months in just 2 days. We have no doubt the best is yet to come with our little girl!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Poor baby

After several rough nights of Abby waking herself up coughing this past weekend, we finally took Abby to the doctor today. As it turns out, the little sniffle and cough she has developed into her very first ear infection! I guess we're lucky that she is almost 17 months and this is her first one, but it's sad nonetheless. It will also be sad for us to have to give her antibiotics twice a day for 2 weeks. Hopefully she'll be on her way to a full recovery soon because I am exhausted!

In other news, Grandma Sheryl came to visit us this weekend and we had a low-key but very nice time together. And I'm probably 10 lbs heavier due to the chocolate cake, pizza and BBQ that we ate when she was here!

Oh, and let me not forget: Happy 60th Birthday to Grandpa Michael today!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Proud to be an American

For the first time in 8 years, I am actually PROUD to be an American! I am so excited and proud of this country for embracing such huge changes and I can't wait to see what the next 4 years will bring. I am happy Abby is growing up in this era and that I am old enough to understand and appreciate how historic this is. Amazing!!!

I've been trying to teach Abby how to say "Obama" but so far she just says "mama" :). Maybe by Jan. 20, 2009 she'll get it!

Monday, November 3, 2008


Abby's 2nd Halloween proved to be a fun adventure! She was dressed up as Piglet from Winnie the Pooh and we set off in our neighborhood around 5:30 pm. By 7:00 pm, we had received enough sugar to fuel a car and she was so wiped out that she slept until 8:45 am the next day. She had a great time and even learned how to say "thank you" when someone gave her candy!

Now the problem is that Jason and I are stuck with too much candy. The leftovers will be coming to work with me this week and left for the office to devour.

And now on to the next holiday - Thanksgiving! We're still debating over driving or flying to Chicago. We shall see.....