Monday, April 22, 2013

New Ears

Just 5 weeks ago, it was brought to our attention by Abby's school nurse that she didn't exactly pass her standard hearing test at school. We weren't entirely surprised as lately she had been asking us to turn up the tv because she couldn't hear it. Coincidentally, she was scheduled for a doctor's appointment that afternoon for an unrelated matter, and when the doctor examined her ears, she had a double ear infection (unbeknownst to us, she had NO other symptoms!). So she started a round of antibiotics and we were told to come back in 10 days.

10 days later, she went back and the infection wasn't gone. In fact, the doctor's reaction after looking in her ears was "eww!" which meant it was a little worse than before. A second round of stronger antibiotics was prescribed and we were went on our way.

5 days after those antibiotics finished, we went back for another ear check. This time, the infection was still gone but the fluid remained, and we left the office with numbers of 5 local ENTs and a recommendation to pay one of them a visit.

I made an appointment with one for the following week, but just two days after the last doctor appointment, Abby's ears were re-checked at school. This time, her left ear failed and her right ear passed. I cancelled the ENT appointment for the following week and made one with a different doctor for that very afternoon. After all, your kid's hearing is not something you want to wait around to figure out what is wrong with it!

After a thorough exam and more involved hearing tests at the ENT that afternoon, we were told that Abby's ears were filled with fluid, likely due to enlarged adenoids (which he could tell without a scope by her nasally voice and when we said she slept with her mouth open). We were told that having ear tubes put in and her adenoids reduced would be the way to go to help her. We left the office with a surgery date for 1 week later.

So last Thursday, we strolled into the Westchester Surgery Center at 6 am with a 5-year old who just wanted to get ice pops after surgery and mom and dad who were quite nervous for their first surgical procedure as parents. Thankfully, the doctor's good nature put us all at ease and by 8:15 am, Abby was out of surgery and recovering. We went to see her and though groggy, she was doing great. About an hour later, we left with a kid who could hear, breathe and swallow better and parents who would rest easier knowing those things.

She had a fairly easy recovery - took it easy and rested all day Thursday and Friday, enjoying pudding, ice cream, ice pops and anything else that was soft and cold.

By Saturday, she felt well enough to go to Hebrew School and hang out with her cousins. We also noticed for probably the first time ever that she was sleeping with her mouth closed! A win/win.

Abby will have a follow-up at the ENT tomorrow when we'll hopefully see if her hearing improved, but according to her, it did - and we can tell as she isn't asking to turn the tv up to ridiculous decibels.

We are so grateful for her easy procedure and recovery and the fact that this was our first experience as parents with a child who has needed a "procedure" with anesthesia. We give a ton of credit to parents whose kids are constantly undergoing surgeries and other procedures as it is not easy to be waiting to hear from the doctor and preparing for the uncertainty that lies ahead.

We are also SO proud of our Abigail Jordan, who was more excited than scared and handled it like a champ. We're glad this is past us and we can move to Michigan with clear ears! :)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


As the last line in my last post a month ago alluded to, we have a LOT of change ahead of us. Specifically, we are in the process of moving to Michigan!

After a lot of thought and tears, we decided that I would accept a job at Kellogg's as the Senior Integrated Promotions Manager for their Kashi and Bear Naked brands. It means a move to the Kalamazoo, MI area, leaving our friends and family in NY behind for a new life that we don't know yet if we'll like or not.

It means leaving the only home and city our kids have ever known. Leaving their only grandfather, aunt, uncle and cousins. Our nanny and dog walker. Their teachers and friends. Our favorite local establishments like Ridge Hill and Stew Leonard's on a warm Sunday afternoon when we can eat lunch outside, followed by a soft serve ice cream and trip to the Little Farm. It means leaving a warm community of our Jewish friends to hopefully find new friends and a new community that will welcome us with open arms.

We'll hopefully enjoy living a life closer to where I grew up, outside of Chicago (about a 3-hour drive) where my friends and family will no doubt be happy to see us more than once a year. We'll hopefully love our new big house, which we will likely move into before the school year starts and have plenty of room for visitors. We can't wait to enjoy a "midwestern" way of life where my job has summer Fridays that go from April - September and the kids can play outside late into summer nights as the sun sets later there than in NY.

Most of all, we look forward to the changes of schools, doctors, homes and friends while hoping all of our friends and family back home will still keep in touch with us and come visit.

I'll be starting a new blog to keep our friends and family up to date on the latest Michigan shenanigans...but in the meantime, we hope to see you at our going-away party on May 11!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Ready For Spring!

Two weeks ago today, we were in warm, sunny Naples, Florida for a mini-vacation. While it wasn't HOT, it was nice enough to wear short sleeves, eat lunch outside and even take a dip into the heated pool where we were staying. Our activities were all outdoors - the Naples Zoo, the Everglades Wonder Garden, the Children's Museum (indoors/outdoors), walks and golf (for Grammy and Daddy). And it was just enough of a taste of spring/summer that has all of us VERY anxious for the spring, despite returning to a snowstorm the next day.

Not spring like sneezing and eyes watering from allergies, but spring like flowers, leaves blooming on the trees, a certain little boy's 3rd birthday and the ability to go for a walk outside without freezing to death. Now that we've all "sprung forward" and it's staying light outside later, it's harder to convince the kids it REALLY is bedtime at 7:45 pm when it's still light out. Though, the time change was nice for a week or so when the kids were sleeping late!

Spring is also a time for change. With our house on the market now, there will hopefully be some good changes coming for us soon...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

100 Days

Today is Abby's 100th day of kindergarten! To commemorate the occassion, she brought in 100 mini-marshmallows (not sure what the purpose is, hopefully will find out after school today) and I made her a few 100-days snacks (a mini Twix bar and two Thin Mints for snack, the number 100 written on her peanut butter sandwich in Nutella). It's hard to believe she is already (and only) 100 days into her elementary school education!

Abby's flourishing in writing, spelling, drawing and reading. She loves learning sign language, taking the bus, eating in the cafeteria and of course, recess. Time will tell how she is doing in math and science, but if she's anything like her mama, those won't be her strong points, which is ok by me!

She still has so much more to learn and a lot more growing to do. But I am so proud of her accomplishments and development over the last 100 school days. She started out the school year not even knowing how to spell Abigail (which she prefers to be called in school) and now she's writing sentences and reading and sounding out words. It's thrilling to see and watch her as she completes a sentence or page in a book. I can only imagine what will come over the next 100, 200, 300 days...

Abigail Jordan - we are so proud of you! Happy 100th Day!!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Three Months Later

It seems as though the holidays - and all of the craziness that goes along with them - has taken a toll on this mama. I thought for sure I had updated The Abby (and Zach) Adventures more recently than NOVEMBER!! But alas, I see it's been almost 3 months! And what a busy 3 months at that:

- Post-hurricane donations
- Dog surgery (she's ok!)
- Trip to Chicago for Thanksgiving (flight going was just mom and both kids for the first time ever!)
- Grammy in NYC to compete in the Scotch Most Gifted Wrapper contest (she didn't win)

- Abby's trip to the Nutcracker, sleepover in the city with Grammy at a hotel
- Abby's first trip to the American Girl store in NYC
- Abby's first Broadway show - Annie!
- Abby's first time ice skating
- Hanukkah! (Zach's Hanukkah theme was trains, cars and legos; Abby's Hanukkah theme was Annie & American Girl doll)
- Potty Training!

- New Year - 2013!
- Botanical Garden Holiday Train Show
- First preschool Shabbat for Zach
- A bunch of sick Strongins (colds, flu) :(
- Celebrating our baby nephew's first birthday
- A great report card & first kindergarten parent-teacher conference

So here we are, 3 months later with a lot accomplished, including potty training Zach in just 3 days. Yep, the little guy did great and is diaper-free (other than Pull-Ups at night) and we could not be more proud! It was a rough few days but we plugged along and made it happen. And at his first preschool parent/teacher conference, Zach's teacher told me that he his "the happiest kid in the whole school, always willing to do anything and is so good-natured." Also a proud moment, but his teacher isn't at home when he throws a fit because I won't put "Woody" (Toy Story) on or give him ice cream if he doesn't eat his dinner! But that's the Terrible Twos I fear - and I suppose we are lucky that it took him 8 months to get there.

I also could not be more proud of Abby, whose teacher wrote: “Abigail is a happy, outgoing, energetic student. She loves doing arts and crafts and drawing pictures. It is clear that Abigail is trying hard to follow the rules and be a good friend to her classmates. She often positions herself in front of the teacher during group lessons, and this usually helps her focus on the speaker. Abigail has become a fluent writer, she sits down, writes independently and also helps her peers when asked."

We, too, have seen huge progress from her in her writing, spelling and reading just in the past few months. It's exciting and encouraging when your kindergartener writes "I like Jijibredman bcoz the butis" (I like (the) gingerbread man because (of) the buttons) or "I love mom, dad, Zach and Sadie." Her teacher said she is reading at the level she should be at in June, which is promising to hear. And for a minute during her parent/teacher conference when I saw she received a 4 (for meeting with excellence) in "algebra," it turns out that kindergarten algebra is really pattern formation and recognition. Oh well, guess she won't be in MENSA :).

We have a busy few weeks ahead of us, with trips to Maryland and Florida planned as well as February vacation (for them, not me) and lots going on at home. Hopefully mama will take some time to update their adventures more frequently so that I don't forget the fun and exciting things they do!