Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Good news/Bad news

Which do you want first?

I'll start with the good news: We have a new member of the family - Jason's sister Julie gave birth to Morgan Rose on President's Day (2/16) at 12:36 pm. She weighed in at 6 lbs, 7 ozs and was 19.5 inches long. She looks EXACTLY like big brother Matthew and is cute as a button.

Bad news: Unfortunately our side of the family has had a very rough start to the new year. It seems as though Abby has been sick since her MMR reaction in late December. Perhaps because she is now enrolled in two new classes - gym and music - with other toddlers, or maybe because it's winter and everyone is sick, or perhaps I'm a bad mommy and only breastfed for 2 months - but whatever the case, we've had a rough few weeks.

Now it seems Abby caught a stomach virus from her friend Max. Day one included a lot of vomiting and no eating/drinking and day two has been a little better but now she has a fever. I'm so sick of calling the doctor and I'm sure she's sick of me, too!!

All in all, I am hopeful that after this bought with a bad virus, she is back to her normal, healthy, happy self!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Talk of the Town

It is simply amazing to me that in the past 6 months, Abby's vocabulary and talking has skyrocketed. She went from saying "mama, dada, Sadie, hi, bye-bye" 6 months ago to saying her very first official sentence at 19 months old! Almost two weeks ago, Abby woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't find one of her pacis so she was whining and I went into her room. I asked, "Abby, what happened to your paci?" And her response, in the middle of the night, blew me away: "I threw it out." And low and behold, there was her paci, in the middle of the floor!

Of course I woke up Jason to tell him the news that our daughter had just spoken her first sentence and I am pretty sure he grunted and rolled over. But I was so proud of her! And just last night, the same scenario played itself out and when I asked the question "where is your paci?" her response was the same: "I threw it." Turns out it was just hidden under a stuffed animal, but I was still glowing with pride nonetheless. Was it as adorable of a first sentence as my "no up, puppy"? Not really. But I certainly was proud to announce that my big girl is talking up a storm. I am sure we will be able to share many more cute (and not-so-cute) phrases and sentences in the coming months and years...but for now, I'll gladly take "I threw it out."