Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My poor baby

Ok, so as we learned this past Sunday night, perhaps our beloved nanny didn't have food poisoning as we thought and really had a virus. We discovered this as Abby woke up and proceeded to vomit about 3 days worth of food and did not stop for about 5 hours. Needless to say, Sunday was quite a sad and bad night in my house.

Abby then had a fever, the sniffles, refused to eat/drink and slept - a lot - over the next 2 days. She finally seemed to be back to herself this morning, although she is still refusing to drink anything but a few sips of water.

And not to entirely blame our nanny, who could very well have had food poisoning, Abby did go to a gym class on Friday morning, so it's possible she picked up a nasty bug there. Those places are filled with germy kids and toys.

Jason took her to the dr. today and they confirmed that it was/is a virus and would make its way out of her system soon. We learned that Abby weighed in at 20 lbs, 1 oz, a whopping 3 ozs more than she was 2.5 months ago. We think she probably lost some weight the past few days. Needless to say, we've been anxiously awaiting the return of our happy little girl and look forward to her downing a sippy cup of milk soon.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Nanny Diary

Sunday night, my beloved nanny called us to say she was having stomach issues all weekend and wasn't going to be in on Monday. I happily emailed my boss to tell her I had to stay home - after all, an extra day with Abby when she or I weren't sick would be great. We hung out at the pool, had a nice breakfast/lunch together and then settled in for the night knowing our nanny would be back the next day.

Well - not so much. 7:30 a.m. (when our nanny usually arrives) came and went and she was a no-show. She's been working with us for 10 months now and that has NEVER happened, so I was not only worried about her but rather annoyed as well. I called her nanny friend at my neighbor's house and she had heard from her the night before saying she'd be in the next day, so I was even more confused and worried. Luckily Jason was able to be with her so he stayed home.

I finally reached my nanny at 9 am and she sounded awful. She said she had just gotten home from the hospital, where she went the night before, because she couldn't stop throwing up (TMI, I know). Apparently she had a severe case of food poisoning and a high fever and was dehydrated. And in her haste leaving for the hospital, she didn't take her cell phone. Needless to say, I was happy to hear she was alive but still pretty pissed I didn't get a call from her mother or daughter, both of whom could easily have reached me. She promised to call me later in the night to make sure she was ok to come in today.

I got home and Jason had spent a very nice day with Abby, who apparently was so wiped out that she took two 2+ hour naps! However, Jason forgot one little thing - to change her out of her pajamas - so when I got home at 6:15 pm, she was still in her jammies from the night before!

I also thought it would be a good idea to throw Abby's laundry in so that was one less thing our nanny would have to do today. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that there was an item of pink clothing which had never been washed before and now everything she owns has a nice shade of pink to it.

Let's just say I was more than thrilled to see our nanny this morning and have her restore some sanity to our house!

But - we will most definitely be having a chat about being responsible and having someone call us in the event that she can't reach us herself. In the meantime, I'm happy knowing Abby is being well taken care of today and hopefully her pink onesies can return to their normal shade of white!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Say Mommy, dammit!

I just would like to point out that every day Abby is saying new words but get this - STILL NOT MOM/MAMA/MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am DYING! She can CLEARLY say Sadie, bye-bye, Hi Daddy, All done, dog and a few other words that are almost very clear (blueberry, for example). It is absolutely ridiculous. Why will my child not say mommy?!?!?! She'll probably be able to recite the declaration of independence in French before she says those 5 letters together at this rate......

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Stairmaster

We got one this weekend! No, not the exercise equipment - the baby! Abby is now 100% climbing stairs (up) by herself. Of course she doesn't know how to get back down herself yet, which poses a small challenge. But we're sure she'll get it soon, or else we'll be getting our fair share of exercise (which wouldn't be a bad thing).

We also got sucked into watching non-stop coverage of the Olympics....between swimming, diving, gymnastics and fencing (just kidding), we are debating what sport Abby will likely excel in. My bet is on swimming since she is a total fish in the water but she is quite flexible, and a little on the short side, so gymnastics isn't out of the question yet!

Monday, August 4, 2008


So we packed up the family truckster and headed to Boston this weekend to celebrate Cousin Karen's wedding to now Cousin Elliot. With plenty of snacks, music and toys, Jason, Abby, Sadie and I headed out on Friday morning, just at what I thought was the "right" (i.e. Abby's nap) time, 9 am, certain that after a big breakfast of waffles, yogurt and eggs, she'd fall right to sleep.
NO SUCH LUCK. My child, who is admittedly a great napper at home, absolutely refused to fall asleep during the 4-hour ride to Boston. She "talked" and screeched and played and laughed, but did not nap. Seriously?!?! I fall asleep the minute we hit the highway (as a passenger) and my 13-month-old refuses to nap in the car.
After we arrived in Boston and met friends for lunch, Abby did humor us with a 1.5 hour nap in the hotel. Needless to say, she went to bed earlier than normal that night.

On Sunday, I must have been delusional to think that she'd nap on the way home - after all, we left at 11 am (well past her normal nap time) and certainly she'd be tired enough to nod off. NOPE, NADA, NO WAY, JOSE. This kid will not nap in the car!!!! We tried everything - soft, classical music, paci, doggy, blankie, etc. and nothing. And I knew she was tired because she was yawning and rubbing her eyes. Of course when we got home at 3 pm, she took a 2-hour nap, only to be woken up by Sadie barking (thanks, pup).

Which leads me to think that either: a) she doesn't nap b/c she is too curious about what is going on outside when we are driving or b) she doesn't nap b/c she is not in the car that often (never really during the week and mostly short trips on the weekend) and isn't used to sleeping sitting up. I truly find it so bizarre that Dr. Eisenberg might be getting a call from me to get some tips, other than drugging her up with Benadryl on the next trip!