Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Nanny Diary

Sunday night, my beloved nanny called us to say she was having stomach issues all weekend and wasn't going to be in on Monday. I happily emailed my boss to tell her I had to stay home - after all, an extra day with Abby when she or I weren't sick would be great. We hung out at the pool, had a nice breakfast/lunch together and then settled in for the night knowing our nanny would be back the next day.

Well - not so much. 7:30 a.m. (when our nanny usually arrives) came and went and she was a no-show. She's been working with us for 10 months now and that has NEVER happened, so I was not only worried about her but rather annoyed as well. I called her nanny friend at my neighbor's house and she had heard from her the night before saying she'd be in the next day, so I was even more confused and worried. Luckily Jason was able to be with her so he stayed home.

I finally reached my nanny at 9 am and she sounded awful. She said she had just gotten home from the hospital, where she went the night before, because she couldn't stop throwing up (TMI, I know). Apparently she had a severe case of food poisoning and a high fever and was dehydrated. And in her haste leaving for the hospital, she didn't take her cell phone. Needless to say, I was happy to hear she was alive but still pretty pissed I didn't get a call from her mother or daughter, both of whom could easily have reached me. She promised to call me later in the night to make sure she was ok to come in today.

I got home and Jason had spent a very nice day with Abby, who apparently was so wiped out that she took two 2+ hour naps! However, Jason forgot one little thing - to change her out of her pajamas - so when I got home at 6:15 pm, she was still in her jammies from the night before!

I also thought it would be a good idea to throw Abby's laundry in so that was one less thing our nanny would have to do today. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that there was an item of pink clothing which had never been washed before and now everything she owns has a nice shade of pink to it.

Let's just say I was more than thrilled to see our nanny this morning and have her restore some sanity to our house!

But - we will most definitely be having a chat about being responsible and having someone call us in the event that she can't reach us herself. In the meantime, I'm happy knowing Abby is being well taken care of today and hopefully her pink onesies can return to their normal shade of white!

1 comment:

Brittni said...

I tagged you on my blog Lauren!