Thursday, September 27, 2012

Three Weeks In

It's officially 3 weeks ago today that Abby started kindergarten! On the big first day, she practically skipped onto the bus, sat down with her friend Jared and never looked back. Which is a good thing, considering mommy was crying! While the details have been few and far between, I do know that she is happy and excited to go each day, which can only be a good sign that she is liking it.

Today I had the opportunity to visit her classroom for the parents breakfast. It was a chance to see/meet the other kids and their parents, and see where Abby spends 6.5 hours of her day. The teacher seems great so far and the classroom is cute. The class is diverse and Abby is meeting new friends and she is lucky to have her very good friend Jared as well. She is also enrolled in kindergarten Hebrew school, where she'll hopefully continue to build on the Jewish foundations that she learned in preschool.

And as for the little guy (who, yes, is still quite little), he started preschool just about 2 weeks ago! Since he is attending the same school where he went to camp, he had no problem transitioning and is having a great time so far. He has some camp friends and some neighbor friends in his class, and so far, the word on the street is that he's enjoying his first school experience.

Here's to a new (Jewish) year and new opportunities for all!