Thursday, October 27, 2011

An Anniversary

Yesterday marked the 7-year anniversary of my father's passing. While so much has happened in the last 7 years, it seems that each year passes quicker than the one before and more changes occur within each year. I was a newlywed back then - just turned 28 - and I didn't expect lung cancer to take him so soon, so young. I also didn't think that packing up the limo for the airport after our wedding would be the last time my new husband would see his father-in-law. I never would have imagined the loss I'd feel when I realized my kids would never know their grandfather or how much he would have loved them. It comforts me knowing my dad is watching over us all and probably thinking how I am getting what I deserve with having a slightly difficult preschooler, since I wasn't exactly a piece of cake at that age.

I am also now watching as Jason's grandfather is deteriorating quickly and will likely pass away soon. I consider my mother-in-law "lucky" that her dad got to see 6 great-grandchildren, go to all of his grandchildren's weddings and live a really full life with friends and family. In his upper 80s now and not being himself the past 2 years, it will be a huge relief to most of us when he goes. My dad didn't get to experience any of those blessings.

Each year that goes by is one closer to my kids being old enough to ask questions about their grandfather and understand where and who he is. While I've tried showing Abby pictures of him, she doesn't quite understand it yet, but I bet within a year she will. And when we are both ready, I will gladly show her pictures and videos and share stories of my daddy, who no doubt would be beaming with pride and showing off his granddaughter and grandson to everyone he knew.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME!

Yes, today I turned 35. Yes, I left the prized 18-34 demographic. Yes, I feel older and probably have another wrinkle or two today. But those milestones are nothing compared to the one that happened at my house today - my little pumpkin Zach started walking today!!!

Jason took the kids to my office for a birthday pizza lunch and came back to my office so I could show them off after lunch. Zach was crawling around as usual, and decided he didn't even want to stand up or hold my hand and walk, which was fine. But a mere two hours after they got home, our nanny Cora texted me and said "Zach is walking." I quickly called her - thinking she meant he was taking 2-3 steps like he had done a few times in his PT sessions - and she said "he's walking all over the place!" I could not believe my ears and she sent me a photo of him doing it.

I am sure I'll be chasing after him as he runs away from me in no time, but I've been anxiously awaiting this milestone for a while and he gave it to me as a wonderful birthday gift! The ice cream cake and other presents are of course appreciated but not nearly as special :).

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Trip to the Windy City

Last Wednesday, the four of us got on a plane for the first time together and headed to Chicago, land of my favorite pizza and cheese fries (yum) to celebrate the Jewish New Year with my family and friends. While the ride there wasn't entirely smooth - both kids napped in the car to the airport, which meant no naps on the plane and Zach bounced up and down on me the whole time - overall, it went as well as I could have asked. The kids didn't even have a meltdown when we arrived at Grammy's house at 6:30 pm (7:30 pm NY time) and dinner wasn't on the table. And I calmly moved every single item that was within Zach's reach to higher ground, hoping that he wouldn't create a disaster there.

We settled in nicely (although we kicked Grammy out of her bed so we could use her room with Zach) and enjoyed time at Grammy's store picking out loads of stickers (Abby), grabbing the numerous amount of loose items someone managed to find (Zach) and running around town. Sure, we missed the tot service because of Zach's nap, but hey, at least we got dressed up and went to temple! We even managed to squeeze in some time with a few of my high school friends for a playdate. Holiday dinner on Thursday night was a bit chaotic with 7 kids under age 8 (including 2-yr old triplets) at my aunt and uncle's house, but everyone ate a lot and had fun.

Friday we did a fall photoshoot in a local park, went to the mall and had a playdate. We also made time to stop by our favorite eateries, including Walker Bros, Michael's and Dairy Queen (a low-cal trip it was not)! We did not head back to NY until our bellies were full (Chicago-style pizza is my fave) but when we did, it was actually not such a bad flight back since Zach slept the whole time and we had an extra seat.

After a much-needed trip to the grocery store and a lot of unpacking and laundry, our first family trip to Chicago was complete. Abby's favorite part was picking out tons of stickers at my mom's store and Zach's was seeing all the "eh-pane"s (airplanes) at the airport. Dairy Queen, Michael's and Pierro's ranked on the top of my list, along with seeing family and friends and spending time with my kids (of course!). Happy New Year to all!