Friday, June 29, 2012

Little Campers

This week marked the start of summer camp for most Westchester residents, including my TWO kids.

On Tuesday, Zach took a huge step in his first time separating from Cora or I at Training Camp, where he'll be going for 2 hours, twice a week. Cora said he happily went in to the classroom, and when she said "Zach, you're going to camp!", he said, "ME?!?" And yes, it was him who didn't cry, who had a great day and who was so wiped out that he napped as soon as he got home!

Abby started Camp Rainbow again on Wednesday and this year, she is in a group with her 4 girl friends and 1 boy friend from school. I expect that they will all have fun together and I hope she gets more comfortable with swimming as well. Luckily, her private swim lessons once a week have helped, and she is taking a few strokes on her own now!

This week I found out that I have a "tilted knee," (my kneecap is misaligned) so I have to start PT to help strengthen the muscles around my knee. Luckily, Zach's great physical therapist's husband works with adults, so I will be seeing him 2 times a week.

Next week, it's mommy and kids week! Cora is off on vacation so I took the week off. Monday and Tuesday will be our somewhat "regular" routine - Zach's PT, camp drop-offs, Abby's 5-yr checkup, etc. Wednesday the 4th will hopefully be a low-key day and then we'll leave for the beach (the IL's rented beach house) on Thursday after camp for the weekend, and Jason will meet us there on Friday night. Hopefully I can hold everything together like Cora does without losing a kid or my mind!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Birthday Girl!

On June 19, 2007 at 8:59 am, my beautiful first child was born, and it feels like it was just yesterday. How on earth did 5 whole years fly by and now I have a kindergarten-bound 5-year old?? The weeks and months must have sped up the last few years, because I don't remember a time when 5 years went by that quickly (maybe college?). Abby is 5 now, and we have so many fun things to look forward to in the next 1-1.5 years: losing her first tooth, learning how to read, perhaps removing training wheels from her bike, taking the school bus, eating lunch at school and so much more.

Abby has become a little girl in every sense of the phrase - she is independent and head-strong, yet still wants to ride in a stroller and get dressed herself. She is silly and funny and sensitive. She is creative, outgoing and smart. We often can't believe how our baby girl seems to be a teenager at times!

My wish for her is to let herself have a great summer and year in kindergarten. I want her to continue to be the carefree, happy child that she is, even when homework and bullying threaten to take away the innocence. I want Abby to be grateful and appreciative for everything she is able to do but at the same time, realize that she is a tiny person in a very big world, and to help make a difference wherever she can. I hope she treats others with respect and stands up for herself when necessary. Above all, I want Abby to remember that she's smart, beautiful and strong, no matter what comes her way.

Happy birthday, Abigail Jordan, we love you!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Graduation Day

Veni, vidi, vici: I came, I saw, I conquered. To Abby's nursery school graduation, that is. I had been anticipating the day ever since her first “moving up” ceremony in the 2s. I watched the seemingly “old” 5-year olds get up on stage (not run off the stage, as my almost 3-year old did), sing all the songs and know all the moves to their choreographed dances. I watched as the 4s parents took pictures, cried and congratulated each other on their children graduating from nursery school and moving on to kindergarten. And as I sat there, with my 5-week old baby boy near me, I did not think that my time as a parent of a grad would be here anytime soon.

Yet, in a flash, it was. Fast-forward 2 years to watching my 2-year old trying to run to his sister on stage and the same little girl who 2 years ago ran off stage crying who was now singing along with her friends. My big girl, all grown up and ready for kindergarten. Well, sort of…she still needs my help every now and then and still acts every bit her age of “almost 5.”

In some ways, I feel that I’M the one who graduated – from my first experience with nursery school, making new friends of my own, navigating the PTA/school board world and draining my bank account for every school fundraiser, photo and field trip. And what a wild ride it’s been for me, one that I’m anxious and excited to start all over again this fall with Zach, who will entering the 2s. I’ve learned that graduation, while not as sad as I anticipated it would be (I brought a stack of tissues with me), was an emotional time to look back on the people and place that helped shape Abby's first few years. I realized that without this experience, she might not be the person she is now – happy, funny, smart, sensitive and caring. I hope she made friends who will stick with her for years, despite attending different schools and living in different towns.

And as for me, I hope I’ll have the strength I had at Abby's nursery school graduation come time for my “baby” boy’s graduation 3 years from now. Which should be interesting considering I am already teary at the thought of sending him to camp alone for 4 hours a week!