Monday, August 30, 2010

The Beginning and End of Potty Training

I am writing this in the hopes that a few months from now, I will look back and laugh at how we started and stopped potty training in a matter of hours. I was really trying hard to be patient and wait until Abby was ready and wanted to go on the potty. But changing 2 sets of diapers was really getting to me, and with her getting closer to starting school, I figured it was time. So this morning I told her that we'd have a "panty party" tonight if she wore panties all day and went on the potty. The party would consist of cupcakes, balloons and stickers. She was on board with this plan when I left the house at 8 am. Here's the rest of the timeline:
8:36 am: Jason had called to say that she had her first accident
10:45 am: The number crept up to 3 accidents
12:00 pm: I heard she was screaming every time Laura would try to put her on the potty
1:30 pm: Call to mom to express frustration. Mom reminds me that I was trained when I was 3 and started school
2:45 pm: Phone call to family friend and psychiatriast (who also has a 3-yr old daughter who is not potty trained)
2:55 pm: Called off potty training efforts

Family friend/psychiatriast told me that it is in our best interest to not speak of it or think of it and let it happen on its own. She said we'd be causing many more issues later on if we pushed her. She said if and when she does go, to be happy but not overly excited b/c it will make her feel like she is doing it for us, instead of for herself (so don't say "I'm so proud of you", rather "you must be so proud of yourself"). Glad to hear it from an "expert" who is also going through the same thing as us. So PT is off for the time being!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Rainy Week

I have to say, we've been quite lucky with the great summer weather we've had - until this week, that is! It's been rainy and chilly since Sunday, which proves to be a challenge when it comes to entertaining an active 3-year old!

This past weekend, Jason's cousin Lauren, her husband Mike and their 7-month-old daughter Maya came to visit from Atlanta. We had lots of family activities, from a yummy BBQ dinner at our house Saturday night to lunch and family photos on Sunday. It was so nice to see them and for everyone to meet the new babies (Maya and Zach). Hopefully the family pics came out well, considering Jason's mom insisted that all 17 of us wear the same color tops & bottoms, which I personally think looks ridiculous. But the picture wasn't for me, so I could only be so vocal! Luckily, most of the children cooperated and we might be lucky enough to get one picture where everyone is looking at the camera.

This rainy week so far, Abby and Zach have gone to the library, the park, Target and our neighbor's house. Hopefully as the rain clears up, they will enjoy more outdoor activities since there are only so many art projects to do in a week!

Speaking of outdoor activities - Jason and I may do a day trip upstate to Rhinebeck, NY, for the Dutchess County Fair on Saturday. Who wouldn't have fun with carnival rides, fried Oreos and zoo animals??

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The End of Camp

Well, today is the last day of Abby's first year of summer camp. I should be so excited at the prospect of her starting pre-school but alas, it is not starting for another month! That means a full month of our nanny Laura taking care of both kids all day long. Hopefully she'll be able to manage it, because I certainly wouldn't be able to! So if anyone has any fabulous suggestions for what my nanny can do with a 3-yr old and a 3-month old (other than the park, playground and library every day), please feel free to share them!

We were thinking about potty training Abby during this time but I don't think either of us is ready. I am not ready for the screaming and tears that will ensue when we force her to sit on the potty and I know she is physically ready but not there emotionally yet. No matter how much bribing we do, it does not seem to matter to her, which is odd considering the majority of her friends are trained.

Anyway, it should be quite an interesting month, that's for sure!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Bad (and Busy) Mommy

Well it seems that I have been a bit delinquent in posting since my last update 2.5 months ago!! Maternity leave flew by and I'm now back at work, where I seem to have more time now than I did at home with two kids, a dog, nanny and husband!

Hard to believe that my little guy is 3 months now. Zach is such a little ball of joy...very content, happy and generally has a very good demeanor. He's happiest when his big sister Abby pays attention to him or when he's "talking" to his "friends" on his bouncy seat or swing. He's been a great sleeper at night and not so good about napping during the day, but he's never cranky when he doesn't sleep (which is ridiculous because I certainly am!).

As for Big Sister Abby, she has been great with him, very gentle and loving. If you get too close to him, she'll tell you "don't touch, he's MY brother"! With us, however, she hasn't been exhibiting the best behavior as of late. It seems that the "terrible twos" have progressed into the "more terrible threes" with frequent bouts of whining, crying and demands. I would be convinced that it was all due to the arrival of her baby brother, but my friends with 3-year-olds are all saying the same thing - it's their age and their need to want to be independent. It's frustrating at best and there are days I want to put her up for adoption and other days when she is as sweet and good as can be. We just need to tough it out and hold our ground.

Because her behavior hasn't always been so stellar as of late, we have implemented a rewards/behavior chart at home. If she gets 4 out of 5 stars for good listening, no whining, no hitting, potty and/or good manners, she gets a lollipop at the end of the day. So far just the threat of no lollipop or no Dora on tv is enough to make her stop and think if her bad behavior is worth it!

Unfortunately the potty training, or lack thereof, hasn't been going so smoothly. Abby stubbornly refuses to use the potty, no matter what or how much we bribe her with her favorite things (ice cream, lollipops, M&Ms, etc..). Her pediatrician tells us to wait until she is ready, but the days just keep creeping past us, getting closer to when school starts (when I'd like her to be trained), so we might use the long month between the end of camp and the start of school as time to dump the diapers for good. We will see who wins that battle!

In other news, Abby's third birthday came and went quickly. We celebrated with some cute (and not-so-cute) animals at the Greenburgh Nature Center and lots of cake. About a month after her birthday, Abby joined the ranks of the big girls and gave up her crib for a bed! She has been doing great in the bed and following the two golden rules - no jumping and no getting out after naps or in the morning. We'll see how long that lasts!

Anyway, I promise to do a better job of keeping up to date now that I have two kids to keep track of. Each day is a new adventure and I look forward to sharing it with you!