Thursday, August 12, 2010

The End of Camp

Well, today is the last day of Abby's first year of summer camp. I should be so excited at the prospect of her starting pre-school but alas, it is not starting for another month! That means a full month of our nanny Laura taking care of both kids all day long. Hopefully she'll be able to manage it, because I certainly wouldn't be able to! So if anyone has any fabulous suggestions for what my nanny can do with a 3-yr old and a 3-month old (other than the park, playground and library every day), please feel free to share them!

We were thinking about potty training Abby during this time but I don't think either of us is ready. I am not ready for the screaming and tears that will ensue when we force her to sit on the potty and I know she is physically ready but not there emotionally yet. No matter how much bribing we do, it does not seem to matter to her, which is odd considering the majority of her friends are trained.

Anyway, it should be quite an interesting month, that's for sure!

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