Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Paci-Free, Finally!

Well, folks, after 2 years, 6 months and 5 days, Abby is finally pacifier-free! We had the Paci Fairy pay us a visit the same night when Santa was visiting most of the world and the Paci Fairy took Abby's pacis and replaced them with some fun presents (and a chocolate ice cream cone, which she specifically requested). She cried a little before bed, but slept all night that first night much to our surprise. Her naps have been off (i.e. shorter or non-existent) since then, but we figure that will work itself out. She is still asking for her paci but when we remind her about the Paci Fairy, who brought her pacis to babies who need them, she seems ok with it. A small step for mankind, a big step for the Strongin family!

2009 was a pretty big year for Abby - she began speaking in sentences, started school and really grew into a little girl.

Next on Abby's (our) agenda for 2010 - potty training, getting into a big girl bed and becoming a big sister!

Happy & Healthy New Year to all!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Countdown to No More Paci

T minus 2 nights until we attempt to rock Abby's world by taking away her most prized possession, her pacifier (paci). She is now officially 2 1/2 years old and a "big girl" by many other standards (though not yet sleeping in a bed or potty trained), so we figured it was time to end the love affair between Abby and her paci. Not to mention, her dentist said we needed to do it sooner rather than later for the sake of her overbite. Granted, she only uses it at nighttime and for naps, but she is clearly attached to it, as noted at 3:30 am today when she called out to us when she couldn't find it in her crib.

I have heard many stories of success and different methods for doing this deed in the most painless way as possible. We started talking to her about the "Paci Fairy" a few weeks ago to get it into her head, but when we ask what she wants when the Paci Fairy comes for her pacis, she replies "a chocolate ice cream cone," which clearly would not be a problem to get but it won't be replacing the paci in her crib anytime soon.

So....our initial plan is to take her to Toys R Us on Christmas Eve Day (because no one else will be there then, I'm sure) and have her pick out a toy of her choice. We'll have her pack up her pacis that evening and put them in a special box for the Paci Fairy. And then we'll wait as she'll likely cry herself to sleep and then wake us up crying throughout the night. Hopefully she'll wake up and have her present from the Paci Fairy (if we all survive that night). And we'll have to do it all over again the next day for her nap/nighttime and hope that it doesn't take longer than the 4-day weekend I have from work.

Wish us luck sending the pacis away forever (or until Abby's little brother needs one)!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Little....

....Brother! That's what Abby's going to have in about 5 months (or less, hopefully)! We found out last week and are very excited. Of course, everyone assumes I'm thrilled to have "one of each" but the truth is that I'm terrified to have a boy!!! I know girls and know how to play with them and dress them and give them advice. Boys are a whole different story! I am sure I'll figure it out in due time, but my initial doubts are of how I'm going to raise a little boy to be respectful, not a terror to his sister and dog and how to treat girls/women.

I am thrilled for this next chapter in our lives and am looking forward to seeing it all play out. And in the meantime, if any moms of boys want to give me some good tips/advice, I'm all ears!!