Thursday, August 14, 2008

Say Mommy, dammit!

I just would like to point out that every day Abby is saying new words but get this - STILL NOT MOM/MAMA/MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am DYING! She can CLEARLY say Sadie, bye-bye, Hi Daddy, All done, dog and a few other words that are almost very clear (blueberry, for example). It is absolutely ridiculous. Why will my child not say mommy?!?!?! She'll probably be able to recite the declaration of independence in French before she says those 5 letters together at this rate......

1 comment:

gram said...

Lor there is a saying that says you beg kids to sit, walk and talk and then as soon as they do- you beg them to shut up sit down and stop saying "mommy"!!!! :} maybe she'll say "gram" for me!!!!