Thursday, April 16, 2009

2 months 'til 2 years

As Abby approaches the "2 months 'til 2 years" mark, it is amazing to see such development verbally and emotionally (notice, not so much physically since my little girl isn't growing in leaps and bounds!).

Verbally, she has recently shocked me with several sentences that I did not expect to hear! The first was when I randomly asked her name and she responded "My name is Abby" (!!!) and the second, this morning, when Sadie and I went into Abby's room in the morning and I asked her if she said 'good morning' to Sadie. Her response: "Hi Sadie, good morning." I don't know why I keep thinking she doesn't repeat things as much as she does, but I truly did not expect her to say "Good Morning" to the dog! I am sure the verbal development will continue to amaze and shock me in the coming months (and years) and I look forward to all it brings, even though I won't be surprised when she's talking back to me!

Emotionally, Abby continues to be VERY lovey-dovey with just about everyone and everything. She gives Jason and I the biggest, best hugs and lots of kisses. She kisses random items (a pair of shoes), random pets (a dog that was 3 times her size in my in-laws' lobby), random kids (ok, friends) and of course, her dolls/babies. While she does have a tendency to give me a hard time every now and then, she also shows loads of compassion for people and it is the sweetest thing ever. It truly makes me melt and think I must be doing something right! I just hope that as she gets older and approaches her teenage years, she backs off in the kissing department and continues her compassion for others, then I'll know I am doing a great job!

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