Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"I love you!"

I am in denial that Abby is going to be 2 years old in 10 days. She went from a 6 lb, 2 oz helpless newborn with peach fuzz and big blue eyes to an independent, curly-haired, big blue-eyed little girl practically overnight.

In the past month since my last post, Abby has increased her vocabularly and associations and is starting to put more and more sentences together. She has moments of loving kindness when she kisses everything, embraces us in bear hugs and says "I love you" (sounds like "I la you") and other times she's a typical "terrible twos" toddler, having a screaming fit because she wants something which we won't give her or throwing her food down when she doesn't want it. Fun times all around!!

In the past 12 months, Abby learned to walk (and run), form sentences which are actually understandable, count to 12, say most of the alphabet, distinguish between sandals/shoes/boots and pants/shorts, partially dress herself and her dolls and is off to preschool in just 3 months. I'm amazed and in love with her more and more each day, and while she does give me a hard time, she is the greatest gift I have ever received.

I hope her next year is filled with much more excitement (including, but not limited to, learning colors, shapes and letters), growth (physically and emotionally) and FUN!

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