Monday, August 31, 2009

The Dental Report

This past Saturday marked a first for Abby - her first visit to the dentist! I was quite skeptical about the whole process since she barely lets me brush her teeth, let alone having a stranger pry inside her mouth! But I was pleasantly surprised with the whole experience. The office was totally themed like an airport/airplane, with the hallway as a runway and the walls as cockpits. The receptionist asked if there was a particular movie Abby would want to watch during her cleaning. The assistant and dentist were both extremely patient and even sang to Abby to distract her as they counted all 20 teeth, cleaned and polished them. She even got to pick out a toy afterwards!

The upshot? No cavities (yay!) but we were told Abby's little (major) pacifier habit had to end, as her front teeth were being pushed out from it (boo). While I hate that she loves the paci, it's a great way to bribe her to do something ("if you don't come here now, you won't get your paci tonight") and of course, it's a huge comfort to her at naps and bedtime.

So for her nap on Saturday, we tried just giving her one paci (usually she sucks on one and holds one) and it wasn't too much of a fight, though we had to keep telling her the choice was either one paci or no pacis, so obviously she chose one. She's been sleeping ok so far with just one but the big issue will come when we get rid of them totally. The dentist suggested that we have her "give" them to a baby who needs them (i.e. our niece) or bribe her with a toy she wants. I know none of these options are going to go over well and I am not sure if it's best to try to get it over with sooner - this weekend - or later - closer to when she is 2.5 years, at the end of the year. Whenever it is, we know it will be difficult on all of us!!

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