Monday, March 12, 2012

Dr. Mom

Unfortunately, sickness hit our house (again!) last week, as the little man was down and out with a very high fever. And of course, that same little man not only refused to take any medicine, but he proceeded to throw it up (twice) and spit it out (numerous times). We had to resort to a suppository to bring his 104 fever down. After a visit to the pediatrician to rule out an ear infection or strep (Zach pointed to his throat and said "hurts"), we figured we would just have to wait it out.

When we thought we were in the clear on day 3 and after he had been fever-free for 24hours, we ventured out for a much-needed haircut. That afternoon, I noticed he had a little rash forming behind his ears, which I thought was related to the products used at his haircut. Well, the next day, I saw a lovely red, bumpy rash all over his back and had an "ah-ha!" mommy moment - it must have been Roseola!! I had heard about this tricky little virus from various people it had affected and knew that the rash meant he was not contagious anymore. Luckily the rash didn't bother him and seems to be better today. Poor little guy!

This weekend, we also celebrated Jason's birthday. Saturday night was a yummy dinner at a new restaurant in Ridge Hill and a movie. On Sunday, we ventured out to the Bronx Zoo. It was a beautiful spring day and while not all the exhibits were open, there was enough to see for the two hours we were there, and kept the kids busy and they passed out on the way home. The birthday celebration culminated at our favorite hibachi steakhouse, Noda, with Jason's parents.

Needless to say, it was a hectic weekend and one that I am happy is over!

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