Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's Never Too Late to Start

Well, my daughter is 22 days away from turning one, but I figured it's not too late to start documenting her milestones, achievements, blunders, and more for our family and friends. I'll try to update this as much as I can, or when something "big" happens. Ideally, I'd like Abby to have this as a journal of her early years, before she can do it herself. I hope you enjoy it!

I'll try to do a mini re-cap for those of you who I wish I talked to on a more regular basis!

At 11.5 months old, Abby can:
Get into a sitting position
Get into hands-and-knees position
Pull herself up to stand
Use pincer grasp (thumb and forefinger)
Say “dada," "boy," "dog" (no mama yet!!)
Try to imitate words
Respond to “no” and simple verbal requests
Shake her head “no”
Knows where her head and eyes are
Wave bye-bye
Clap on demand or if something is exciting
Give/blow a kiss
Drink from a sippy cup
Feed herself
Look at (and sometimes point to) a correct picture when an image is named

During the week, my little girl is changed, fed, played with and learns from her fabulous nanny, Nicole. I anxiously await 6:15 pm when I come home and she gives me a huge smile and gets so excited to see me. I either take her (and her dog Sadie) on a walk or play with her, then prepare her dinner. Daddy gives her a bath and then it's off to bed around 8 pm.

Abby is such a happy baby - and it probably helps that she is a good eater AND sleeper! She sleeps about 12 hours per night and takes 1-2 naps per day.

Abby's favorite foods so far are:
Sweet potatoes
Fruit (bananas in particular)
Pasta with marinara
French toast/pancakes

And unlike her mommy, she even eats fish and lots of veggies!

I hope this helps you catch up on what Abby has been up to for the past 11.5 months! No doubt she'll continue to amaze and suprise us as each day passes, and I look forward to sharing Abby's adventures with all of you!


Wagner Family said...

Lauren- How sweet of you to start this for your family & friends! Looks great! Hugs & kisses to the Abster. ~Kate & Rylan

Sandy said...

Looks great!! :)

Andrea ("mimi") said...

Dear Lauren,

How wonderful to be able to read about my great-neice! She is so adorable and I was so happy to have her in Palm Beach this past April. What fun we all had together.
I am sorry to be missing Abby's first birthday party, but my heart will be there with all of you. I will definitely have a special gift sent to my cutie pie neice-Abigail Jordan.

Great-Aunt Andrea