Monday, June 16, 2008

Birthday Week

This week last year I was as big as a house and as anxious to meet my baby girl as can be. I tried everything to induce labor - long walks up hills with my dog, spicy food and some of the other "usual" tricks. But little Abby did not want to make her debut early and in my and Jason's usual style, appeared a day late after being medically induced (and removed by c-section!).

Today, just 362 days after she was born, I am doing so much reminiscing about this time last year. I can't believe how much she has changed. I can't imagine another year of her life where she develops, changes and grows so dramatically.

I can't wait to see what this time next year will bring us - though I long for her to stay as tiny as she was on June 19, 2007, at all 6 lbs and 2 ozs of her, I eagerly await Abby's first steps alone, her first "I love you, mommy" and everything else that comes with being a "big girl." For now, though, I'm enjoying the last few days of my daughter's first year.

Stay tuned here for how emotional I'll be 3 days from now....

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