Monday, July 28, 2008

A first for Abby

So we had a FIRST last night and it was NOT walking or saying Mama....we got Abby undressed for her bath as we always do and she was crawling around "nakie" in her bedroom while I grabbed her towel from her closet. Jason was next to her and all the sudden he goes, "Oh my god! Come here now!" And I come over and there are TWO HUGE TURDS where Abby was!!! She literally pooped on her floor in the 2 seconds neither of us were looking, and she had just had a poop about 20 mins before! And there was a little bit of pee as well. It was all good - the poop was solid (thank goodness) and we have Nature's Miracle stain/odor remover from Sadie's accidents so we sprayed some on the carpet and it was gone. But Jason and I were cracking up, it was too funny. I guess there is a first for everything with babies!

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