Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!

I am so not one to tout my own birthday - after all, who really wants to announce that they are a year older?? But today is my birthday and it's been quite a lovely day so far. It started with a box of Munchkins from my neighbors on the train ride to work, then I received a cake, a necklace, flowers, a gift card and a bracelet from work people, and numerous calls/emails from friends. Tonight Jason has arranged for a mint chip ice cream cake to be shared at our house, so I'm looking forward to that - mostly to seeing what Abby thinks of mint chip ice cream, which I'm sure she'll love as much as her parents do!

On the nanny front (aka "saga"), we didn't have to worry about firing our temporary nanny who we increasingly hate each day because she did it herself! She told us she was going back to school 2 days/week and could work for us 3 days/week. Sorry but it's a full-time job! And unfortunately things didn't work out financially with Rebecca (the nanny from last week who I was excited about), so we placed another ad on Craigslist.

We (ok, I) interviewed 4 more people in person and spoke to countless others. We made an offer to one woman on Saturday and she is going to do a trial day with us this week and pending all goes well, she'll start with us next week. Please cross your fingers for us that she is great! I know that's one thing I'll be wishing for over my ice cream cake tonight!

1 comment:

gram said...

Hope all goes well w/ the nanny. I imagine Abby, the beautiful loved your b-day ice cream!!! xoxoxo grammy