Friday, February 19, 2010


It's been a while since I've documented some of the funny things Abby has said (in my opinion), so in the interest of remembering for future posterity, here is a list of some my recent favorite "Abby-isms" - enjoy!

- "Mommy, stop yelling right now" (Mommy was not yelling, by the way)
- "Daddy, sit down right HERE" (pointing to the chair next to her)
- Mommy: "Who's the cutest girl?" Abby: "ME!"
- Abby: "Why is Sadie whining?" Mommy: "Why do you think she is whining?" Abby: "Because she's hungry. Sadie no eat my food" Mommy: "Should Sadie get a time out?" Abby: "Yes, Sadie goes to closet for time out" (bathroom)
- "Oh, MAN!" and "Oh my goodness!"
- "Yummy in my tummy!"
- "Uh-oh, daddy-o" (where she got this one from, I have NO idea!)

I know there are more things I wanted to document but my mind is blank at the moment, so I'll have to add to this list as I remember.

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