Thursday, February 18, 2010

More Changes....

The past several weeks have been a bit of a blur for us. After Abby's post-vacation cold, she seemed to have about a week of good health but then developed an ear infection. Luckily after some good ol' pink bubblegum-tasting meds, she seems to be back to herself (for the time being at least).

In other big news in our house, we recently let our nanny Gaynell go. Her last-minute absences and late days were becoming too frequent and creating a lot of stress on us (and our employers). It was a very difficult decision, especially since we knew Abby loved her and she was super with Abby, but we realized we need someone who will be more reliable for us, especially with a new baby coming soon. As an employer, it was a no-brainer, but as a mom, it was quite emotional to have to say goodbye to her since she has been with us since Abby was about 16 months old.

So we welcomed Simone into our home this week. Simone is young (29), she has no children and takes nursing classes on the weekend. We think (hope) she'll be a good fit for us. Thankfully, Abby seemed to adjust pretty quickly to her (despite calling her "Gaynell" a few times already) and we are hopeful that she'll get accustomed to us and our house quickly and fit right in. Luckily, she has a sweet tooth so we're pretty sure she'll like working for us!

The next few weeks will bring a last-trip-before-baby to Chicago for me and a family trip to Maryland to celebrate little Jordan's 2nd birthday. Abby's Grammy Sheryl will be visiting us in March and then before we know it, we'll be welcoming a baby boy into the world sometime in late April/early May as Abby gets ready to turn 3 in June!

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