Thursday, May 17, 2012

May Days

I am not entirely sure how it came to be the middle of May when I swear it was just April! Regardless, the first half of this month has been hectic, with a trip to the Ardsley Firemans Carnival, a dual dentist appointment, Mother's Day and our typical errands (Stew's, Costco, Target, etc.).

Mother's Day weekend was a lot of fun, starting Friday night with dinner at PF Chang's and receiving my early Mother's Day gift - a spa day at Red Door! Yay! Saturday was a combination of errands and the carnival, followed by pizza out with friends. On Mother's Day, Zach did not want to leave my side, so he and I relaxed in bed while Abby and Jason whipped up some delicious pancakes, followed by a huge brunch at my ILs country club. After all of the eating out we did, we chose to stay in and BBQ on Sunday night, ending the weekend off nicely.

Abby and Zach's school is coming to an end soon - Abby graduates on June 4 and Zach's last day of the "Wondrous Ones" is next week already! I can't believe my babies are growing up so quickly. Over the next few weeks, we have a lot planned - including the end-of-the-year school BBQ, many May/June birthday parties, a trip to Hershey Park, graduation and of course, a month from now, Abby's birthday :). These May Days are flying right by, and before I know it, summer camp will be in full swing!

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