Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Well, I have a few things to report. I'll start with the good news:

I am proud to announce that I am FINALLY the mother of a walking child! Yes, folks, that is right, Abby has been taking about 6-8 unassisted steps as of this past weekend! She stands up by herself, walks a few steps and then falls down but does it all over again! It's so cute and I'm so excited and proud! I'm sure she'll be running around like crazy and I'll be missing the crawling days soon enough, but for now I love watching the joy on her face as she walks like a drunken sailor around the house.

We went for her 15-month dr app't yesterday and she weighs in at around 21 lbs (she was moving a bit on the scale, but it was just around 21) and she grew an inch to 29 1/4"! My little petite princess....

On a slightly disturbing note, our nanny Nicole didn't show up to work last Monday, leaving us confused, upset and clearly angry. We don't know what happened or why she decided to not come back - a call or email from her would have been helpful with that regard - but we're currently looking for a new nanny. It's upsetting because we thought we treated her very well, giving her tons of vacation days, buying anything she wanted, etc... but apparently she either found a new/better job or decided she'd had enough of us. Sad since Abby adored her and I know she felt the same - a few weeks ago, she told me that Abby was the best baby she's ever taken care of. Who knows....it might always be a mystery.

The good news is that we've been interviewing like crazy and have found some good people who also drive - hooray!! We made an offer to one person and we're supposed to hear from her tonight - hopefully it will work out because Jason and I both loved her the minute we met her. Stay tuned!!!

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