Monday, January 12, 2009

Sleepless in Surburbia

Since 2009 started, the Strongin family has not gotten a lot of sleep. It seems that Abby's MMR reaction had an effect not only on her skin, but on her sleep as well. When she didn't feel well, I was a sucker and went in and held her/rocked her to sleep. Once she felt better, she was used to that comfort and was waking up crying for us to come in to her room. We knew she wasn't hot/cold/sick, etc.. because she was fine when we were there and would scream when we'd leave.

Needless to say, she is now in the habit of waking up at all hours of the night and screaming until we come to her room. She is crying before bed, before naps and generally not getting any sleep or letting us get any. We are all very tired and very cranky!!!

We were very lucky that when Abby was a newborn, she was able to put herself to sleep easily and we didn't have to use any cry it out methods. But Abby's pediatrician said we have to stop going into her room and let her cry herself back to sleep - it will probably be brutal for a few nights, but better in the long run. We are also probably going to invest in getting a video monitor so we can actually see what sort of distress she's in vs. going in. I just know I'm looking forward to getting some zzzz's after this all shakes out and she's back on track! I hope my next update is that we are well-rested....

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